8 Dimensions of Disability
These key characteristics shape the experiences of people with disabilities.
DARN ➜ Article
These key characteristics shape the experiences of people with disabilities.
If time is a social construct, why are we so focused on timed tests?
Navigating social situations with an invisible disability can be challenging. In this post, Lisa Aspinwall explores how three mental models of disability influence social interactions and provides strategies to enhance self-advocacy.
“College assignment due dates are the second-leading cause of grandmother death in the United States!” In Dr. Carolyn Shivers’s courses, students can ask for extensions on any assignment for any reason or no reason at all.
Eminent social psychologist Dave Myers writes about his experience with adult-onset deafness.
Strategies from the disability community that avoid toxic productivity.
One of the most common questions/pushbacks people get when discussing accommodations or accessibility in the classroom is “But shouldn’t we be preparing the students for the real world?” The implication is, of course, that the “real world” – presumably, wherever students end up working – will not provide accommodations. Deadlines are deadlines.
Most psychology courses don’t teach about our largest minority group: disabled people. New research shows that covering disability in psych classes can reduce ableism.
Jennifer Pearlstein shares her experience as a blind clinical psychology graduate student turned advocate.
Lisa G. Aspinwall discusses computer equipment and strategies for working with Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS)
Lisa G. Aspinwall discusses challenges with Complex Regional Pain Syndrome and the equipment and strategies she uses to continue her work.
Although there are challenges facing disabled psychologists, DARN provides community, mentorship, and advocacy for disabled scholars.